Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Longboard Construction


1. -Gluing-
To start our unit we were given 7 sheets of wooden panels that would in the end be our board. We glued the 7 wooden layers together and nailed the board into a thick Styrofoam replica of a long board. After that we placed them in an air tight sealed bag. From there we pumped the air out until there was no air inside the bag and the layers were compressed together. While doing this we were given the option to place the board on two stacks of books one stack on each end to create a curve in the board.

2.- Carving-

After the glue dried we returned to our boards. We started by carving the edges of the board to even out the wood levels of the sides of the boards. Also by carving
the edges of our board we were able to start what was supposedly going to be the curve on the sides.

3. -Sanding-

After the edges were carved we went on to sanding the bottom and the edges with a 60 grain piece of sandpaper. As we did this the edges started to form the curve and the bottom became s
moother, this was because we were evening the grain all around the board. Once we were able to get the board the smoothest it could be with a certain grain we advanced to the next level until we reached the limit of 400. The grain levels we had to work with were 60, 80, 100, 120, 200, 220, and 400.

Elements and Principles of Design Used

1. Shape -

This was an important element of design because our class wanted to keep the long board shape while smoothening and carving the edges of the board. Hardcore sanding for many days would cause the shape to be altered greatly.


Direction played a key role in our project because if we were to carve or sand against the grain usually there would be scratches, and chips made in the board. Therefore we had to follow the direction of the grain and stroke it a certain way prevent any damage done to the board. This was difficult because maintaining the proper stroke for many hours of sanding is difficult and can sometimes get frustrating.

3.- Texture-

This was maybe one of the biggest elements of designs that we had to co
nsider and achieve because the longest part of the project was actually the sanding. Staying at the 60 and 80 grain the longest really helped when we got to 400, which made the board feel like glass. The texture from before and after the sanding has an incredible difference and it played a big role in this project.

4. - Balance-

This principle of design was one that was difficult for me , but in the end it was still achieved. The carving of the board had to be consistent with both sides our else the board would seem a bit warped alternating its shape. making sure i was balancing the amount of sanding and carving on both sides of the board was nerve wracking , but in the end i believe i was successful with the process.

Tips, Pros, and Cons

1. -Tips-

Some tips that i discovered while sanding was to always follow the grain to prevent damage or scratches to the board. Also personally i found that if i was to stroke the board with sandpaper without putting to much pressure the surface would get smoother a lot faster and it would not wear out the board as fast. To me this was a benefit because i felt i was almost sanding through the board in the end and reducing pressure made it better.

2. -Pros-

Some pros about this concept of sanding and carving was that we had a lot of freedom in creating the actual shape of the board. Also it was our personal choice when moving on to the next level of sandpaper. The satisfaction in the end also is a benefit in doing this project.

3.- Cons-

Some cons about this project was the countless hours of sanding that can make one's arm tired, and cause cramps. The dust in the air can affect one's breathing. Also there was really no way in counting how many strokes we did on each side so the board may have been unbalanced sometimes.

Personal Reflection

In the end of this carving and sanding unit I can say that i did achieve a smooth surface. I was not expecting such a smooth feeling from wood, on something that was hand made. In the end I pulled it off and I am happy to have succeeded, but I wish i had spent a little more time on the carving because I personally do not feel my edges are curved enough. Overall i think it was a great start to the long board unit.

Compression Air Tight Bag




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