Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Media Arts Poster 3


I chose this colour scheme because I wanted to use something simple. By using red added with tints and shades it creates a sense of unity on the poster. Also i really liked the natural colours of the lamborghini when I first found it therefore I didn't want to use any other colour. Overall this poster was not my favourite, but it feels more natural because I did everything myself except for the picture of the car.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Renaissance Painting Project

Renaissance Painting Summary


After completing this piece of Renaissance inspired art there are a few things I feel need to be reviewed. The inspirations from the renaissance period that I used was the arches. They played a large role in my painting because whenever I was painting an opening somewhere in a building I would always use arches. The reason behind this was because when I looked at the architecture in the renaissance period they were commonly used. I also remembered that the brick work was more detailed at the bottom of buildings. I attempted to do this in my painting , but it isn't very clear and could have been improved.


This was the first time I had used oil paints for a painting. It had a slightly different feel for me, but I enjoyed using it because it allowed the brush strokes to be shown more easily. The oil paint also allowed my painting to have more texture. I painted thickly with the oil paint in places where I thought it would benefit my painting by leaving some brush strokes to be seen. I also discovered that colours sometimes had a muddy feel to it because the oil paint takes a while to dry and the colours started to blend when I did not want it to. Using a different medium allowed me to discover many things about it, and it allowed me to practice new skills that i acquired through this painting.


The elements and principles of design were the foundation for my skills. In my painting they were vital in the creation of my piece. Colour was probably the most important element of design that was used. I tried to create a warm colour palette throughout my piece. There are no cool colours in my painting intentionally. Though this choice may have created a sense of unrealism, I felt like it made the painting a bit stronger and more attractive to the eyes. The principle of design that I thought was vital in my painting would've been proportion. Proportion was definitely needed for this perspective painting. The objects closer to the viewer appeared larger than objects in the background. I kept this in mind as i designed the scene to be painted.


A part of my painting that I believed could've been improved is the linework. The element of design line, was a bit sloppy in my painting. Though outline of some of my buildings and brickwork were a bit messy and I felt if i made some lines straighter my painting would've been more affective. Also maybe some more contrast in certain areas would have created a greater sense in depth.


Overall this painting has been a good experience. Working with a new medium opens up another area of visual arts for me that I can practice with in the future. My knowledge of perspective drawing has also been improved by doing this painting which is also a benefit with this project. I enjoyed this project very much and hope to work with oil paints in the future.

Media Arts Car poster 2

Monochromatic colour scheme.

I chose to do a monochromatic colour scheme in this poster because I liked the look of it when I planned the poster in my head. By changing the colour of the car in my head, it made the car seem like a totally different model. I didn't really like this poster when I finished because I felt like it was too simple.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Media Arts Car Poster

Analogic Colour Scheme
I chose these colours for this poster because , when I was on the website , the colours looked like they would work together. I placed the car in the middle to create balance on the picture plane. Also I created the shapes myself and altered the colours to fit in with my colour scheme. Overall this is my favourite poster that I have done because I found it was unique. Also when the car colour was changed it seemed natural and not forced.